Educational Philosophy

MidState Christian Academy believes that the ultimate authority is God and God’s Word. We believe the nature of truth is solely defined and found in God’s Word. We believe that God has given parents the ultimate authority over their children. The parents are responsible to provide education, training, and guidance throughout their child’s life. The school partners with the parents in the formal academic education and Biblical training of the students’ character while directing students in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We believe children are born with a sinful nature. Therefore, it is the school’s philosophy to help children “put off… the old man” and “put on the new man” (Ephesians 4:22-24).

The education provided is based on the Christian-traditional philosophy in contrast to the humanistic, progressive systems of education. Christian-traditional education is rooted in objective reality and absolutes, as opposed to relativism. The Christian-traditional philosophy provides the programs and methods of studies which impart Christian character development, communicative skills, and subject matter to the students. Providing a smaller classroom environment allows students to have the personal attention needed to attain the school’s academic goals. These programs of study are in harmony with the inspired Word of God, which is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The school partners with the home and the church to give the students a well-rounded, Christ-centered education.

We believe that the content of Christian education must be in harmony with “whatsoever things are true,… honest,… just,… pure, [and]… lovely” (Phil.4:8). We believe that classroom methods should be faculty-directed, with the student acquiring knowledge through studying, researching, reasoning, relating, and recording.

Christian education must deal with the social and the spiritual, as well as the academic dimensions of the student. Children will be rooted in the subjects of Bible, language, arithmetic, science, history, reading, phonics, spelling, and penmanship. We also seek to integrate a biblical worldview into all the subjects. Classes are conducted with a structured daily routine and orderly schedule. Student learning is guided through a formal curriculum. Students are motivated both intrinsically and extrinsically toward goals in their education. Teachers use verbal praise, disciplinary actions when needed, and grades to motivate students.

Academic programs of MidState Christian Academy are only a part of the educational process. Students are also provided with extra-curricular activities that reinforce biblical character and offer opportunities for personal and social growth. Bible classes encourage a sincere and consistent Christian life and are a required course for all MCA students.

Through Christian education, the goal for our students is to gain “unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). The graduate is then able to be an effective witness for Christ and is academically equipped to pursue a college education.


MidState Christian Academy seeks to offer an alternative to public education by supplying a superior level of academics that will also include a deeper understanding of God and the Bible.

MidState Christian Academy is an educational ministry of Meriden Hills Baptist Church. It was founded to provide a safe environment in which  children are taught the fundamentals of education. As a Christian organization, we strive to build a foundation on which education can firmly stand so there will be a generation of young people highly educated not only in academics, but also in their personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Together, our staff and a well-rounded curriculum make MidState Christian Academy a place where children are able to achieve their goals for the future.


Spiritual Goals

Students will:

  • Demonstrate a love for God first and others second
  • Seek God’s Word as the sole source of Truth
  • Defend the basic doctrines of God’s Word: Christology, Pneumatology, Theology, Bibliology, Soteriology, Angelology, Eschatology, Ecclesiology, Anthropology
  • Display an obedience to God’s authority and will for their lives
  • View the world’s past, present, and future from a biblical perspective
  • Develop a concern for the souls of others
  • Apply biblical philosophies of authority to parents, teachers, pastors, and leaders in their lives
  • Develop and grow in biblical wisdom

Intellectual Goals

Students will:

  • Recognize God’s design in all academic subjects
  • Understand materials presented orally and in script
  • Communicate concepts learned in writing and in speech
  • Develop problem solving skills and critical thinking
  • Exhibit knowledge in the five core subjects: mathematics, English, history, science, and Bible
  • Cultivate a creative mindset
  • Display an ability to effectively follow instructions
  • Effectively utilize technology and manuscript research tools
  • Apply methods of review and reinforcement to independent study

Physical Goals

Students will:

  • Analyze good nutritional choices
  • Demonstrate balanced eating habits
  • Express an understanding of the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol
  • Develop skills and coordination in individual and group exercise
  • Demonstrate respect for the physical boundaries and well-being of self and others

Social Goals

Students will:

  • Develop an appropriate balance of self-confidence and humility
  • Demonstrate friendliness and courtesy toward others
  • Work effectively with peers in social situations
  • Display a national pride, love, and respect for America
  • Demonstrate a proper etiquette in formal situations
  • Develop an appreciation for fine art and music
  • Practice fiscal responsibility
  • Express a positive attitude and dedication toward work and service