Tobacco products, e-cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, knives, guns, matches, explosives of any kind, and radios are not allowed on campus at any time.

Students may not chew gum at any time while on campus.

Cell Phones

Cell phones, iPods, mp3 players, and electronic devices are not permitted during school hours. Students may use school phones to contact parents during school hours if necessary.  All electronic devices (except Ipads used for Ebooks) must be kept in the student’s locker. If a student has an electronic device out during school hours or is using it inappropriately before/ after school, the device will be taken.  The student may be given a detention. Parents must pick up the confiscated device from the front desk. Students may use cell phones to contact parents after school. Students should not loiter at the lockers or school grounds talking on cell phones. Cell phones & mp3’s should not be used to access music/games/videos/photography/apps on school campus.

Headphones may only be used if approved by teacher and used for online classes.

Parents may contact the school office to deliver any necessary information to students.